Thursday, April 5, 2012

Why Brand Marketing Trumps 'Call to Action' in Real Estate | Real ...

I know there are many like me out there . . . book geeks who love to patrol the aisles of the local Barnes & Noble bookstore looking for the latest business titles that will inspire and drive me to gain that extra little edge.? I am constantly reading new books looking to learn the latest tips and techniques and I sometimes find it funny how none of the books I am reading lately have anything to do with real estate.? They seldom do!Real Estate is not a business.? Real Estate refers to property.? Houses, apartments, commercial buildings, raw land ? real estate can come in many different forms, but so many people still refer to the real estate business as just that ? the real estate business.? When it comes to marketing this same mistake is made.? Too often, the messages being delivered by real estate professionals are ?hire me? or ?buy this? or even worse ? the hand held video walk through of 123 Maple St. ? all practically begging whomever is looking to do business.? I learned a few years ago that I was not in the real estate business ? I was in the ?ME? business.? No, I did not say the ?me first? business or the ?I?m better than you? business, but, just the ?ME? business.? I had to sell me, my company, my team, our process . . . these were the things that made us stand apart from others and the real reasons that my audience should want to do business with me.? It just so happened that I bought and sold real estate for a living!The more I read, the more I learned that marketing could be a huge, complex undertaking and yet it could also be incredibly simple.? If you can identify what makes you special, the thing that sets you apart from anyone else in your business ? your Core Competency ? then you have the beginnings of a brand and the best marketing decisions you can make revolve around building that brand by telling your story.Why Brand Marketing Works In Real EstateMy 10-year old son may be one of the smartest boys I have ever met.? Now granted, beyond his friends I don?t know a lot of 10-year old kids so my reference group is a little small, but he seems pretty smart to me!? Recently he was with my in my home office and looking at the books on the wall behind my desk and wanted to know why I had so many books with funny titles like ?Roar? by Kevin Daum and ?Juggling Elephants? by Jones Loftin and even ?Delivering Happiness? by Tony Hsieh, and I told him that those were some of my business books.? He walked over to another shelf and told me he thought these were my business books.? The shelf he was looking at had all of my real estate titles and I had the chance to explain to him how my job worked.I told him that my job was to help other people see the real me.? Not the fake one they expect sometimes after getting hit over the head with fancy marketing pieces and inundated with hokey letters and postcards from others.

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